Monday, April 16, 2012

Pinoy's Ingenuity

Are you having trouble producing fire using the traditional "lutuan"?  This article might help you do away from blowing the firewoods used in your kitchen just to produce more fire for your cooking.  Actually, I was amazed upon seeing this set up so I took pictures for remembrance and eventually as a reference for this writing.

What we need are the following:

a motor usually taken from used and unserviceable vhs tape rewinder, casette tape recorder 
a charger that will connect , usually cellphone charger
a burner made from empty tin can of biscuit molded to shape like a burner using cement then allowed to set for weeks for maximum strength
small pipe with a diameter of 1 inch and at least 6 inches to connect the motor assembly to the burner

What to do?

Assemble the motor in a round plastic container as shown in the picture.  The charger is also connected to the motor and so with the small pipe that will connect the motor and the improvised burner.  Make sure that there is a hole opposite to where the pipe was inserted in order to allow the ashes to go out.

Pile some pieces of small woods inside the burner and put some kerosene and use a lighter to start the fire.  Then plug the motor to continuously build up the fire and put your kettle with prepared food for cooking on top of the burner.  This is very economical considering that the electrical consumption of the charger is just the same as that of charging your cellphones.  No more tears on your eyes, no need of blowing the firewood to increase the fire.  All we need are used materials that cost less than procuring a gas stove.  This is perfect for rainy season too! 

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